COVID-19 is transmitted in aerosols - it's airborne!

This site exists as a resource to outline that there has been scientific evidence for some time to support COVID-19 infection being driven by airborne/aerosol transmission. This is not new science, it is old science. The next pandemic should assume the same rather than waste months with policies that did not halt infections.

Three timelines are hosted on this microsite

COVID-19 is Airborne (studies/events):

Many other diseases are airborne too:

This is important because the world’s default pandemic response should have been to treat COVID-19 as if it was airborne.

Knowing it was airborne, masks were a part of some successful countries strategies:

Now we know it’s airborne

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More Reading

Aerosols: Frequently Asked Questions

Please read the Aerosols Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here: This is actively maintained by a bunch of Profs and Drs. campaign: “COVID is airborne”

@COVIDisAirborne is running a campaign to get recognition for this fact:

M.A.D. Guidelines and publishes info posters for employers and workers, including the great M.A.D. acronym:

☝️Tweet That Yourself

Their Twitter is @LastMileWorks.